UMC Purchasing is doing a wonderful job, and it shows! Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) has recognized UMC Purchasing as “Best 50” supply chains in North America.
The “Best 50” honorees stand out amongst North America’s premier hospitals for their ability to demonstrate improved operational performance and drive down costs through supply chain automation. GHX examines our purchasing and tracks the process of our supply’s movement. To select the “Best 50,” GHX analyzed a pool of more than 4,000 hospitals in the U.S. and Canada connected to the GHX electronic trading exchange. GHX’s “Best 50” is comprised of the highest scorers in areas such as maximizing document automation, exchange utilization and trading partner connections during the 2020 calendar year. In order to get ranked in the “Best 50,” UMC purchasing gets a monthly report card on the status of those items, and then at the end of the year, all twelve months are totaled up.
This is outstanding for our purchasing team! Not only is this our first year to receive the recognition, it was also during a pandemic, when a lot of supply chains have changed.
“This award shows that UMC is among the top hospitals in the country,” said Greg Roberts, UMC Director of Materials Management, “doing what the best hospitals are doing, which is taking contracts, reducing variation and reducing problems.”
Thank you, UMC Purchasing, for your hard work and dedication!