UMC News

UMC Began Taking Down Flu Alongside Selected Lubbock Residents

UMC was able to give out free flu shots this past weekend to members of the local community in need. Residents who are unfunded, uninsured, or part of the Medicaid population were invited to visit UMC Family Medicine at I-27 Medical Center and receive their free shot curbside.

Children’s Miracle Network at UMC Children’s Hospital Hosts National 24-Hour Video Game Day

Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) at UMC Children’s Hospital is hosting our annual fundraiser for Extra Life Lubbock, but we’re doing this bigger and better this year with a fun-filled week of gaming. This weeklong event will include a multitude of events to partake in and features the classic 24-hour video game marathon on November 5th and 6th.

UMC to Bring the Fun of Trick-or Treating to Sick Kids

UMC departments will be handing out treats to the children at the UMC Children’s Hospital on Friday, October 29, 2021, in the outdoor garden area between the UMC Main Building and the East Tower.

We are Hiring–UMC Health System is Hosting a Job Fair

UMC Health Systems is hosting a Job Fair to grow the UMC family within the community. There are multiple positions within the hospital and clinic that our team is looking to fill.

UMC to Thank Brown Elementary Teachers and Staff & Present a Check to the School

UMC knows teachers go above and beyond every day to enrich the lives of children in our community—even more so this last year with having to find new ways to connect with and continue to teach students in the midst of a pandemic. UMC will say thank you to the staff of Brown Elementary School on Wednesday evening with a mask-uerade themed Teacher Appreciation Dinner.

UMC set to open an Outpatient Therapy & Rehab Center

Today, UMC Health System finalized the purchase of Zach’s Club gym, located at 7105 Kewanee. UMC Team Rehab partnered with this Zach’s Club location in December 2012—almost 9 years ago—to provide outpatient physical therapy services to the surrounding community. Earlier this year, when Zach’s Club approached the health system with an option to purchase the facility, UMC saw the opportunity to expand services and access to the people of Lubbock county.

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