UMC Cancer Center THRIVE Program

The purpose of the THRIVE Program is to provide cancer survivors with a comprehensive treatment summary and follow-up plan focused on two key elements:

  1. The treatment received, including post-treatment needs
  2. Your follow-up care designed to improve health and quality of life

Components of the THRIVE Program

The two main components of the UMC Cancer Center THRIVE Program are eligible patients and the process to provide care.

Eligible patients include:
Patients with Stage I, II or III cancers who are treated with curative intent for initial cancer occurrence and who have completed active therapy.  

The process to provide care includes:

  1. A standard Survivorship Care Plan (SCP) template will be utilized.  
  2. The SCP will be completed by the APP, Oncologist or Nurse Navigator after meeting with the patient and family to determine their survivorship issues and discuss what the patient can expect from their care at the Cancer Center as a survivor.  
  3. The SCP will be given and discussed with the patient upon completion of active, curative treatment and scanned into the patient’s electronic medical record.
  4. The SCP will be delivered to the patient within one year of the diagnosis of cancer and no later than six months after completion of adjuvant therapy (other than long-term hormonal therapy).  The timing of SCP delivery will be extended to 18 months for patients receiving long-term hormonal therapy.
  5. The care plan will be delivered in person unless the patient refuses to attend a THRIVE appointment.  In that case, if the patient accepts, the care plan will be mailed.  If the patient declines, it will be documented in the patient’s medical record.  
  6. The care plan will be updated at subsequent annual follow-up appointments if necessary. 

Elements of the THRIVE program:

  1. Treatment summary – provides a concise view of the treatment and ensures an in-person encounter to discuss questions, issues or concerns.
  2. Health Maintenance – includes detailed history and physical exams to determine risks for other diseases, maintenance care for prevalent cancer and age-specific diagnostic screening.
  3. Recurrence Surveillance – cancer recurrence and second cancers are a threat to the health of survivors, so we make sure survivors get appropriate screening.
  4. Integrated Medicine – we offer coping skills classes, smoking cessation, counseling services, speech therapy, physical therapy and nutritional counseling to survivors and co-survivors (the survivor’s loved ones).
  5. Vaccination – cancer patient receiving treatments are considered for age and indication appropriate vaccinations.
  6. Exercise – we work closely with the UMC Activities Center and UMC Team Rehab to offer exercise counseling to all cancer survivors.

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