Newborn Hearing Screening
UMC Receives High Marks for Infant Hearing Tests
UMC has earned a “distinguished” certification by the Texas Department of State Health Services for ensuring newborns receive hearing screens at birth.
The Texas Early Hearing Detection and Intervention routinely reviews hospitals to check on infant hearing tests, which greatly improve outcomes for newborns with hearing loss. The review applauded the teamwork between UMC’s audiology, Family Birth Center and Neonatal Intensive Care staffs to ensure each baby is properly screened.
The distinguished certification lasts through 2022.
“UMC staff works around the clock to ensure babies are properly screened and cared for,” said Jeff Hill, UMC vice president for Support Services. “This certification is a great reminder that UMC provides the best care to all our patients.”
If not properly screened, hearing loss in newborns may go undetected until complications arise. Infants not identified with hearing loss before six months of age may have delays in speech and language development.