Breastfeeding FAQs
My mom couldn’t breastfeed. Will I be able to?
Breastfeeding issues are not inherited. Your mother’s breastfeeding experience has very little to do with your own. If you’re still nervous, remember we have many resources to support your breastfeeding experience. Our breastfeeding class introduces the basics, our nurses are specially trained to assist you, and our breastfeeding educators offer support while you’re in the hospital and after you have returned home.
I have small breasts. Can I breastfeed?
Breast size doesn’t matter at all for successful breastfeeding. Your body will produce the right amount of milk for your baby regardless of your cup size.
How can I tell if my baby is latched on?
Your baby’s lips will be spread outward, with the chin touching your breast. If your baby’s lips seem tucked or folded, gently pull the lip outward or reposition the latch.
You might experience some tenderness when your baby first latches on. However, continued soreness and pain may indicate an improper latch.
What should I eat?
Just as when you were pregnant, it’s important to eat well while breastfeeding. A diet with plenty of wholesome fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and calcium-rich foods. Keep in mind you need an estimated 300-500 extra calories per day, as well.
How do I know my baby is getting enough milk?
When breastfeeding, the theory of “what goes in one end, comes out the other” works: four to six wet diapers and three to four bowel movements in 24 hours usually indicates the baby is getting an adequate volume of your milk.
Can I drink alcohol or coffee while breastfeeding?
Anything you consume is passed on to your baby, so both of these should be limited. It’s safest to stick to decaf coffees and mocktails for now. However, it is okay to consume a small cup of coffee every so often, as long as it does not become a habit.
How long does it take to breastfeed?
Feedings usually take 15-20 minutes per side. If the baby falls asleep before feeding on both sides, start the next feeding with the breast that didn’t get nursed during the last feeding. As the baby becomes more efficient, breastfeeding times will shorten!